Our Hearts Are Full

Our Hearts Are Full

The stories I am about to share are why we do what we do. Providing even the most basic level of health care, dental, and eye care can make a huge difference. Big Hearts = Simple Solutions A woman came in to the GYN service complaining of pain for over two years. As...
CURA #9 comes to a close

CURA #9 comes to a close

2017 CAMPAIGN: COMPLETE 639 // PATIENTS 1000 // SPECIALTY VISITS 6,431 // HUGS QUINTA-FEIRA (THURSDAY… …the last full day of CURA 2017. Tomorrow we will work until 2:00 PM and then start the packing for another year.  As of closing today, 639 individual...
CURA 2017 is ready to roll!

CURA 2017 is ready to roll!

2017 CAMPAIGN UPDATES 0 DAYS  //  UNTIL CAMPAIGN 30  //  TEAM MEMBERS PRESENT 300  // PAO DE QUEIJO’S CONSUMED EXPLORING BRAZIL: Yesterday we had the pleasure of getting to take an all-day trip through the Brazilian countryside on our way to Monte Sião, a...